Little bit about CloudRetail

A little bit about our mission - To change the retail landscape with unmanned technologies.

Little bit about CloudRetail

Back in 2014, we started our journey because we heard many brands wanted more channels to sell their products. using Supermarkets charge a lot for a place in the store, and expensive rent stops suppliers from opening up their own shops. Many people thought that online could be a way out, but it is too expensive for advertising fees at various platforms such as Facebook and Google.

We thought unmanned technologies like traditional vending machines could be a way out, because this serves as an inexpensive way to sell products since they have low costs and flexibility in movement. But the existing vending machines on the market did not have enough versatility to meet demands.

This was the moment we decided to build our own machine - the CloudRetail Machine. We are building smart autonomous retail kiosks that resemble the benefits of traditional vending machines and the modern technologies. This is a micro-retail outlet with a size of vending machines, but a so much more seamless user experience.